Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Fed's Response to Marriage in the 801

The link to the article can be found here.

Unit 5

It was interesting to read this article due to its national viewpoint of what's going on here in Utah with respect to same-sex marriage. The article focuses on the fact that 1,300 marriages will recognize the marriages performed by county clerk's within the window created after Judge Shelby deemed Utah's stand-point on marriage between a man and a woman unconstitutional. Since a stay wasn't called for the marriages performed within that window are legal. Governor Gary Herbert, though, has said that Utah won't be granting new State privileges relating to marriage to the hundreds of gay, newly wedded couples. Due to fact that the previous legislation on marriage, strictly between a man and a woman, is back into play, the State will not grant further privileges to same-sex marriages. When it comes to federal aspects of marriage, Utah will recognize the rights of the same-sex marriage couples. One of the reasons why the State has decided to comply to federal aspects of marriage is because of the Attorney General. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., said that the federal government will recognize the marriages performed in Utah. Therefore, the same-sex couples who were married in Utah will be able to have federal marriage privileges such as "married, filing-jointly" when it comes to taxes. A step was made in giving equal rights to gay and lesbian couples, but there is a lot more to go before the term, equal, should be used.

Personally, I'm fine with same-sex marriage; it doesn't bother me. I don't see why someone should be discriminated because of their sexual affiliation. People are people, no matter what. Even though I support the legalization of same-sex marriage and the furthering of equal rights related, I don't necessarily believe in the notion of same-sex marriage. On a personal level, I don't think same-sex marriage is morally right, but I do believe people should be able to choose freely. In my mind I choose that same-sex marriage isn't right, but in another's it just might be right. People deserve to be free to believe what they want to believe. I think that our society needs to gain a little respect for individuals who are different. Once that happens, we can grow and become a stronger, more opportunistic community of individuals working towards the mythical "pursuit of happiness."


  1. I am actually on the same stance as you Kaden. Maybe on even lesser level. I really don't care. If they legalize that's okay with me. But I don't necessarily support it. I just kind see a whatever happens happens situation for me.

  2. I agree. Despite that being contrary to my personal beliefs, i think that everyone should be given the same opportunities, regardless of sexual affiliation or anything else, and that no one should have to move in order to get those opportunities.
